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Name Type Description
A/B testing by NotifyVisitors Module * Create A/B tests and other campaigns in minutes * Unlimited undo to fix your mistakes * Create variations of your website at lightning speed * Easy-to-use visual editor for marketers * No coding knowledge required * Works great with responsive websites * Change mobile, tablet content on desktop through visual builder device emulator * Supported devices are windows phones, ipad, iphone and android * Know which designs produce maximum conversions * Track multiple conversion goals at the same time * Validate results through statistical methods * Helps you analyze visitors’ click behaviors * Tells you whether visitors are clicking where you want them to click * Highlights distracting elements of a page * No need of developer to integrate the code * Create and make campaigns live any time with ease * As code in footer,campaigns will work across website
Ace Editor 2.0 Module First release of the Ace Editor for CMSMS 2.x series. Hardcoded twilight theme. Admin panel that allows for some preference settings, including your preferred CSS syntax (CSS, SASS or LESS). Automatic syntax selection based on template language. On the fly editor scaling possible, on the fly font size possible via slider in the editor toolbar.
AceEditor Module THIS IS BOTH A BACKEND AND A FRONTEND CODE HIGHLIGHTER AND EDITOR. Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. The goal is to create a web based code editor that matches and extends the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project. Ace is also used on GitHub
AceSyntax Module Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. The goal is to create a web based code editor that matches and extends the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse. Both frontend as backend syntax highlighter.
AComments Module This module provides comments as you know them from blogs. It can be used to pages, news articles or any other module entries. For CMSMS 1.x series only!
Adherents Module Gestion des adhérents de votre association
Admin Forms Module Ability to add FormBuilder in the admin of the site.
AdminDashboard Module This module provides an Administrator Console Dashboard. It is compatible with modules using GetDashboardOutput() method, but provides more and better mechanisms for modules to create widgets and present data to back-end users with enough permissions to use it. The module allows per user preferences, as well as global settings.
AdminPort Module creats an admin portal for mods to hook into
AdvancedContent Module This is a contenttype for CMSms. It provides much more flexibility by creating custom input controls in backend. Users can add dropdowns, multiple select lists, checkboxes, group content blocks in separate pagetabs or blocktabs inside a page tab. It also adds ability to grant access of pages to certain users of the FrontEndUsers module and hide the content, replace it by the login form of the FrontEndUsers module or redirect to a specified page showing the login form or just redirect without doing anything else. The page property of feu access, redirect page, show login form can be inherited by parent pages. Pages can also have a start and an end date (like news articles).
Africaans/Afrikaans Translation Afrikaanse vertaling
AireLibs Module Libs module for all AireLibre modules, or other. This module does provide base db object classes for easy database handling with objects. For modules developers, it gives you the ability to easily add fields definitions to your modules! Image, File, checkbox, ... and you can extend the field types with new classes. See the EventsManager module for an example of implementation of the FieldsManager
Ajax Made Simple Module To provide a module with an API allowing module developers to easily add Ajax functionality to their module without having to know the dirty javascript-stuff.
AJAX Star Rating Bar Module Module allowing vote using the stars. Demo:
Ajax Tools Plugin This provides simple AJAX functionality without the need of any framework. It comes with an own simple javascript function to process your requests. The response can be plain text/html or text/xml. The response will be passed to a given userdefined callback function. The callback function needs to be created by the user and be passed to the AJAX function. In brief: This plugin just sets up the AJAX request. What you do with the response is up to you. Exception is the "lazy load" function of the plugin that will perform a predefined callBack function (wich means it will display the result at this place where you placed the plugin in your content/template). You can process any module action, plugin, udt or even trigger events using AJAX requests. See it in action:
AJEmail Module Setup/manage/delete email that is controlled with CPanel.
Akismet Module A simple module allowing setting up an akismet account and testing against this from other modules. Blogs, Forum etc. will benifit from this.
Albanian / Shqip Translation This project is for any translations of CMS Made Simple to Albanian, both the core and modules. Ky projekt eshte per perkthimet e CMS Made Simple, si per core ashtu dhe per modulet.
Album Module A fully integrated photo gallery manager for CMS Made Simple. Fully compatible with CMSMS 2.x
All in One Accessibility Module All in One Accessibility widget improves CMSMadeSimple website ADA compliance and browser experience for ADA, WCAG 2.1 & 2.2, Section 508, California Unruh Act, Australian DDA, European EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), Israeli Standard 5568, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, France RGAA, Brazilian Inclusion Law (LBI 13.146/2015), Spain UNE 139803:2012, JIS X 8341 (Japan), Italian Stanca Act and Switzerland DDA Standards. Screen Reader, Voice Navigation, Dictionary, Virtual Keyboard, Accessibility Profiles, Sign language Libras (Brazilian Portuguese) Custom Widget Color, Icon size, Position, GA4 Tracking and custom accessibility statement link are the top features. AI Widget Supports 140 Languages and Voice Over. It is flexible & lightweight widget that can be changed according to law and reduces the risk of time-consuming accessibility lawsuits Follows the best industry practices and standards ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 and complies with GDPR, COPPA regulations. Member of W3C and International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). Our AI automatically remediates images Alternative text and uses the accessibility interface which handles UI and design related adjustments. All in One Accessibility module enhances your CMSMadeSimple website accessibility to people with hearing or vision impairments, motor impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive & learning impairments, seizure and epileptic, and ADHD problems. Following features can be added as an addon - White Label service - Custom Branding - Live Site translates - Customize Accessibility Menu/widget - Accessibility Monitoring - PDF / Word Document Remediation
Aloha Editor Module The world's most advanced browser HTML5 based WYSIWYG editor lets you experience a whole new way of editing. It's faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented WYSIWYG functionalities.
alphacard_gateway Module a new gateway for Alpha Card Services for the great CG ecom sweeeet :D
Amazon Web Services Module This module loads the Amazon Web Services SDK
Analytics DISCONTINUED! Module Module DISCONTINUED! It needs be sponsored. Implementation Google Analytics to CMS Made Simple. You can view basic stats and add visit stats to your page. NOTE: ExtendedTools was removed from forge by CMSMS dev team due due forge rules violation. Download it directly from or
Antz toolkit Provides core classes that enhance the user and developer experience.
Api Made Simple Module This module is a simple interface between any open API and CMS Made Simple.
APShoutBox Module APShoutBox is the first "plugin" to the AdminPort mod.. it's an ajax chat window.
Arabic Unitag (ar-AR) Translation This project is for any translations of CMS Made Simple to Arabic, both the core and modules. For all Arabic users, whatever their country of origin, use the language without worrying about a country suffix. هذا المشروع لترجمة هذا السكربت مع جميع محتوياته الجذرية و الإحتوائية
Arabic/عربي The project aims to translate the CMSms to Arabic and match themes and styles to the RTL direction. يهدف المشروع لترجمة سي إم إس ميد سمبل للعربية وموائمة الإتجاه من اليمين لليسار
Archiver Module This will keep an archive of all content, GCB, template, and stylesheet edits (or all for a set time period). There is an admin interface to roll content back to a previous version.