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Name Type Description
LangOps Module a mle solution that is in line with the intent of CMSMS
Last Created Pages Plugin This plugin modifies the last_modified_pages plugin created by Thomas Gubisch to show last created pages instead. This may be relevant for META information (if you need to find out which recent pages you did not supply meta information for), or for RSS/email newsletter purposes.
Last Update Plugin This small plugin will just the update date/time of the last modified page in the system. You can format the output date/time.
Latvian/Latviešu Translation This project is for any translations of CMS Made Simple to Latvian, both the core and modules. Šis projekts ir paredzēts visiem CMS Made Simple tulkojumiem latviešu valodā gan kodolam, gan moduļiem.
LDAP Search Module This module is an helper to manipulate an LDAP directory. It also allows to do simple queries and to display them in the frontend, to create for example a directory from an MS Active Directory or an OpenLDAP or LDAP server.
Lead Manager Module A flexible and simple module to gather sales lead information from site visitors. Site visitors who reach a landing page can provide information via filling in a form. That information is attached to a time limited "campaign" for a specific company (see the CompanyDirectory module). The lead information is then sent to the email address associated with the company.
Leaflet Tag Module Enables the creation of rich web maps with Leaflet, a modern web map library. It can load: single marker / single gpx track (via geojson) / generic geojson layer (points, lines, areas) To create a geojson refer to
LinkMgr Module Flexible admin interface for managing lists of external website links.
LiqPAY Module LiqPAY useful if you want to transfer money to a man, but only know the number of his mobile phone. It is not necessary that the recipient has been registered in the system. He just will come SMS with invitation to get money online LiqPAY. LiqPAY can be used by companies that provide online services to receive payment from customers. To do this, the entrepreneur must offer customers a way to pay via LiqPAY. LiqPAY solves the problem of micropayments on the Internet. The minimum amount which can make transactions - 0.01 Euro The commission is much lower than other money transfer systems. LiqPAY helpful to the organizers of competitions, auctions, charity initiatives. Then the organizers can tell the phone number at the same time is their identifier in the system LiqPAY. And everyone will be able to transfer money to this account without knowing the details of the organizer.
LISE Module List It Special Edition (LISE) is a fork of ListItExtended. It is meant to replace that module on both branches of CMSMadeSimple. It has the ability to import ListItExtended instalations as long as these are updated to the latest version. It has some added functionality, and a smaller memory footprint.
List Downloads Plugin This plugin reads a specified directory and creates a (html-)table of all files of the directory. It creates a table with the filenames (and files-links), the files sizes and the modify time. Optional, the plugin can show a column with a simple download counter. You can specify an exclude filter, you can format the output of the date and you can configure, that a file will be forced as a download. Furthermore, if the file is an image, the plugin creates thumbnails with the possibility to zoom and it reads the iptc-description to display an image description. Also, the plugin can read pdf metadata and shows it as additional information. Last but not least, you can use a simple password protection of a download folder.
ListIt Extended Amazon S3 Module Adds the ability to view contents and upload to Amazon S3 bucket using ListIt Extended field definition.
ListIt2DoubleList Module Easier management for large lists (such as a Country selector)
ListIt2FEEdit Module This module allows you to quickly generate, format, style and manage front end form templates for custom ListIt2 instances.
ListIt2XLink Module Make your ListIt2 modules talk to each other. ListI2XLink is a field definition type that allows you to create links between otherwise independent ListIt2 instances.
ListItExtended Module ListItExtended allows you to create lists that you can display throughout your website. You could make a simple FAQ or Testimonials feature with this module. The web developer defines fields to constrain what data the client can enter. A number of field types can be specified - text input, checkbox, text area, select date, upload file, select file, dropdown - and additional instructions can be set for each type, for example, input field size, max length, WYSIWYG editor, possible drop down values, possible file extensions, directory paths for file selections, date formats, etc. Version 1.2 works with CMSMS 1.11! WARNING: IF YOU ARE UPDATING A CLONED VERSION USE ListIt2CloneUpgrade-1.2.tar.gz AND READ INSTALL FILE CAREFULLY!
ListItExtended XDefs Module Field extension module for ListItExtended. Applies different kind of Cross module / custom field definitions to ListItExtended. Supported by ListItExtended Core team.
Lithuanian/Lietuvių Translation This project is for any translations of CMS Made Simple to Lithuanian, both the core and modules. Projektas skirtas sistemos ir jos modulių vertimui į lietuvių kalbą.
livescoring Module This module allows table tennis clubs to display live scores from their teams
LogWatch Module The LogWatch module is designed to assist developers in troubleshooting PHP errors through a simple and user-friendly admin interface. This module allows you to display the errors in a more human-readable form within the CMS Made Simple admin panel. By providing an organized and accessible view of error logs, LogWatch helps developers quickly identify and resolve issues, improving the efficiency of the development process.
Lorem Ipsum Plugin Populate content with a random text generated by
Lorem Ipsum Generator Other Helpful tag for generating Lorem Ipsum to provide blank html content to the page
LoremIpsum Tag Plugin This tag populates content with a given number (up to ten) of Lorem Ipsum paragraphs.
Losungen Module Das Modul zeigt die tägliche Losung der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine in Deutsch an, mit je einen Vers aus dem alten und dem neuen Testament. Aus lizenzrechtlichen Gründen fehlt der Liedvers bzw. das Gebet. Die Losungen gibt es seit 1728. Für jeden Tag zieht die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine einen Vers aus dem alten Testament der Bibel, dazu wird eine Vers aus dem neuen Testament und ein sowie ein Liedvers oder ein Gebet auswählt. Die Losungen verbinden Menschen aus verschiedenen Konfessionen und mit unterschiedlicher Frömmigkeit. Weiter Informationen gibt es unter Vor dem Einsatz ist die Lizenz der Losungen ( zu beachten.
Luxembourgish translation Translation Luxembourgish translation for CMSmadesimple core and modules. Lëtzebuergesch Iwwersetzung fir CMSmadesimple an eng Rei Moduler.
Lytebox Module A simple wrapper to the Lytebox JavaScript class.