A/B testing by NotifyVisitors

Notice: This project is marked as stale. This means that it may work fine, but it has no file releases or repository commits in over a year. Use your own discretion when using this project.

* Create A/B tests and other campaigns in minutes * Unlimited undo to fix your mistakes * Create variations of your website at lightning speed * Easy-to-use visual editor for marketers * No coding knowledge required * Works great with responsive websites * Change mobile, tablet content on desktop through visual builder device emulator * Supported devices are windows phones, ipad, iphone and android * Know which designs produce maximum conversions * Track multiple conversion goals at the same time * Validate results through statistical methods * Helps you analyze visitors’ click behaviors * Tells you whether visitors are clicking where you want them to click * Highlights distracting elements of a page * No need of developer to integrate the code * Create and make campaigns live any time with ease * As code in footer,campaigns will work across website

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Project Summary

  • Type: Module
  • Created: 2019-03-08 (72 months ago)
  • Last Release Date: None
  • Last Commit Date: None