Welcome to the CMSMS Forge

This is the hub for development of all things CMS Made Simple: modules, tags, translations, themes and templates, you name it!

For the User

As a user you can:

  • download modules and tags (see download links to the right or search for the project)
  • report bugs and add feature requests in the tracker for each project
  • browse the latest source code for a project (see Code tab in a project)
  • download translations that have not yet been included in a release

For the Developer

We encourage all developers and collaborators of modules and tags, as well as translators of the CMS Made Simple admin and modules, to register a project. That way you can upload file releases to share with the rest of the community and use Subversion or Git for the latest source code. When you have registered a project, don't forget to categorize and tag it, so that others can find your project!

To register a project you must first register as a user. Then click "Register New Project" in the "My Page" tab.


CMSMS Forge Statistics

  • Hosted Projects:746
  • Registered Users:15,733

Latest File Releases

24 Jan SEOBoost
Package: SEOBoost
Version: v1.5
26 Dec All in One Accessibility
Package: Stable Releases
Version: 1.0.5
09 Dec LogWatch
Package: Stable Releases
Version: 1.4.0
04 Dec Redirect URL advanced
Package: Stable_version
Version: 1.0
28 Nov Import Export
Package: ImportExport
Version: v1.1

Recently Registered Projects

12 NovRedirect URL advanced
07 OctImport Export
22 SepKStyle
24 AugRecycleBin
17 JunLogWatch

Popular Project Tags

301 960 access accessibility ace ActiveDirectory address admin admintheme ajax album alias analytics android API article Association atom audio authentication availability aws back-end backend backup banner bbcode blinklist block blocks blog booking bookmark box browser button buzzup cache caching calculate calendar calguy calguy1000 cart Cascading Style Sheets cataloger categories category CGBetterForms CGBF CGBlog chart charts chat checkout chinese cloud cloud9 CMSMS-1 CMSMS-2 code comment comments company contact content content type content_module control core counter cron crop crud css CSS frameworks custom content dailymotion database debug description design developer Development digg directory DISCONTINUED disqus documentation domain Download downloads dropdown duketown dump e-commerce ecb eCommerce editor emacs email embed embedding engine error event events export extension facebook fancybox FAQ feed feedback FEU field file file browser file picker filebrowser filelist filepicker files Flash flickr FLV follow form forms framework frameworks front end users frontend frontendusers function furl gallery gateway GCB generator Google google analytics graphics group guestbook hebrew highlighter HTML i18n ical icon image image browser image picker imagebrowser imagepicker images index input instructions internationalization Inventory Management ipad iphone items JavaScript jquery js keyword KML language Languages latitude LDAP lightbox like link linkedin list listing listit listit2 listitextended log log in login longitude mail mailing list maintenance MAMS manage management manager manual map maps markdown match media menu message messages meta metacafe minify mixx mle mobile module module maker modulemaker movie movies MP3 multilanguage multilingual myspace mysql neo news newsletter newsvine NMS opengraph opera optimization order orders outlook page parser Payment payment processor Paypal pdf personal messages phone photo photogallery php picker picture pinterest piwik player playlist plugin PM portfolio portuguese print processing product products protect Q&A QRCode question questions quiz quote quotes radio random reddit redirect reservation resizing resource Responsive reviews robots RSS safari schedule search search engine optimization security self registration SEO sfi share shipping shoesforindustry shop shopping sitemap slide slideshow SmartForms smartphone smarty sms snippet snippets social social media social network speed Statistic statistics stats stumbleupon stylesheet subdomain summary SWFObject syntax syntaxhighlighter system table tablet tag tagging tax technorati template templates testimonial text textmate theme thumbnail thumbnails thumbs ticket tickets timeline tiny tinymce tool Tracking translate translation tweet tweets twitter Twitter Feed udt upload uploads URL user user guide users video vim vimeo watermark wcag wysiwyg XML yahoo Youtube ySlow