Name Type Description
News Module Module This is the News module included in the default CMSMS install.
CGBlog Module A fork of the news module, this module will be specialized for personal blogs. It does away with the hierarchy of the News module, and adds the capability to associate an article with multiple flat categories. Also includes other features specialized for blogging.
Truncate Better Plugin A UDT (User Defined Tag) to trim news entries respecting html tags. Variables: character limit, text to add after truncation, read more link and customized link text. How to notes in the comments at the top of the file . . .
modslack Plugin Ever just had a need for a off function... ...that you wished was in a module well this is where I have been sticking mine. Please feel free to Let me know if you find more. THE IDEA IS TO FILL IN THE GAPS
Module Generator Module Create your own module. The best of from News, Products, ListIt, MCFactory. Sortable items, advanced mode,categories with hierarchy, custom fields for items, categories and images. Gallery with multiple upload and many more.
News Slides Module Only install a summary template and his style sheet with jquery plugins. No administration is available, just news templates and css. See for more info.