Name Type Description
PayPalButtonMaker Module PayPalButtonMaker manages PayPal buttons. It can handle buttons internally; One button can handle limitless products. Secure using time based sha1 encryption; Use Smarty fields to have PayPal access in most mods ie: products, cataloger, Shop Made Simple, Form Builder ect; Fire UTD's, URL’s or plug-ins... Simple, flexible!
modslack Plugin Ever just had a need for a off function... ...that you wished was in a module well this is where I have been sticking mine. Please feel free to Let me know if you find more. THE IDEA IS TO FILL IN THE GAPS
Module Generator Module Create your own module. The best of from News, Products, ListIt, MCFactory. Sortable items, advanced mode,categories with hierarchy, custom fields for items, categories and images. Gallery with multiple upload and many more.