Name Type Description
GiftBaskets Module A 'Cart' module for the e-commerce suite, this module allows creating many different gift baskets, with different shipping addresses, and having different items in each. Makes heavy use of javascript, and session data.
CGEcommerceBase Module Provides a base platform for all E-commerce modules.
Articles Module List articles like events, shop articles, blog articles, and so on ... Show a detail page to an article, list the articles with categories, show a category detail page with image, ... There is even a cart for a simply shopping functionality - no need to install other modules ... try it!!! Attention: At the moment, the module is working, but there is still a lot of work, like documentation, standard-templates, and so on. For German-speaking users there is a thread about the module:
SimpleCart Module Shopping cart module. With modules SimpleShop, SCoupons, SimplePayment it is a ready-made e-commerce solution.
SimpleShop Module SimpleShop is a simple product catalogue module for small websites. With modules SimpleCart, SCoupons, SimplePayment it is a ready-made e-commerce solution.
SCoupons Other Coupon module for e-commerce applications SimpleShop and SimpleCart.
SimplePayment Module Payment module for e-commerce applications SimpleShop and SimpleCart.