Name Type Description
ShareItPop Module Share button with pop-up window like AddThis service but on Your own Demo available at
TweetMadeSimple Module This module allow user to retrieve differents timelines from Twitter and allow user & compatible modules to publish news to Twitter. EDIT: Updated to API V1.1 (finally)
Social Bookmarking Plugin PLEASE NOTE: This plugin is currently not working in 1.11.13 • I will try to fix/update it as soon as I have some time, no time-frame for a fix, do not send emails. Thanks. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Submit links of pages and/or modules to up to 90 Social Bookmarking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Myspace, Google+1 and many others. To install, simply unzip files to the root of your CMS site. After installed go to Extensions > Tags and click on the Help link next to {socialBookmarking} if you need further instructions. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UPDATED TO WORK WITH 1.1x| Please notice that the call has changed to {SocialBookmarking} instead of {socialBookmarking}, update your sites accordingly.
OpenID Module Integrates OpenID with CMS MS and allows users to register an OpenID, Facebook or Twitter identity and later on signing on with this identity without providing their Front End Users module username or password. Check out project wiki at for more information
Chirps Plugin Prints tweets from a specified Twitter account in their simplest form. Upload the file to your plugins folder, then view details in Admin > Extensions > Tags
tweets Plugin Display tweets from a Twitter account on your CMSMS pages. Help is only in french at the moment (sorry for that, I'll translate it later in english... or if somebody wants to do it for me :) ) INFO: Now compatible with PHP > 5.3 !!!
Bird Feed Plugin This plugin retrieves tweets from a twitter account and displays them on your page. The feed is assigned to a smarty variable called {$tweets} which can then be displayed within any template using a {foreach from=$tweets item=item} loop. The status text is parsed so that all the hash tags, links and user names are automatically converted to working links. Dates are outputted as a unix timestamp which can easily be converted into several formats using the “date_format” string modifier. Optionally dates can also be displayed as “friendly” i.e. one hour ago, two minutes ago, yesterday, etc, etc.
ToolBox Module This is a collection of tools for CMS made simple to do some useful things like 404 error tracking, redirect URL's (with RegExp redirect rules), HTTP header modifications, AutoLightBox, Smarty Tools, AdvancedContent Extensions and more ...
Tweet Feed Plugin This is a reworking of the Tweets plugin. Display tweets from a specified Twitter account.
cgtweet Module CGTweet is a module for reading from, and writing to twitter. It is capable of tweeting messages for any Frontend user, and displaying a simple timeline for a user account.
BWTwitter Module What does this module do? The goal of BWTwitter is to make showing tweets from different sources as easy as possible Multiple sources can be created (user profiles, hashtags, search terms) and grouped. Sources can also be called individually. How do I use it? BWTwitter can be used with the {BWTwitter} tag in every page or template. You can either show a group of sources or call sources individually. (See parameters) How does it work? By default the database with tweets is refreshed when the {BWTwitter} tag is called on a page. If a specific group or source is given as a parameter, only those sources will be refreshed to keep loading time as low as possible. You can let the database be refreshed, even when the tag is not called on a page, on the settings tab. You can also set the time that should have passed before a source is refreshed. We recommend settings this at 5 minutes (300 seconds) to keep loading time as low as possible and to not exceed the maxium amount of requests to Twitter. Users If you don't want to show tweets from a specific user you can search for the user in the users tab and deactivate the user. Tweets from this user won't be saved in the database and won't be shown if deactivated. Parameters (optional) lang="en_US" - Deprecated - Override the current language that is used for selecting translated strings. (optional) group="" - ID of the group to show tweets of. (optional) source="" - ID of the source/sources to show tweets of, seperated by commas. For example {BWTwitter source="1,3"} (optional) limit="20" - Number of tweets to show. (optional) template="Default" - Template to be used to show the tweets.
SEOBoost Module Provides functionality to improve the Search Engine Optimisation your website. Currently includes: dynamic generation of sitemaps for supported modules (pages, News, Products & LISE Instances), plus robots.txt & News RSS feed. Can also provide Google Analytics code, a set of Company Info that is all then available in smarty, links for sharing page content for links to related social media pages and a set of Metadata. More to come.