Name Type Description
CGUserDirectory Module A replacement for the overly-simple UserDirectory module and FEU Listing plugin. this module will allow creating directories from the frontend users database, and viewing various summary and detail reports. It will support (in the style of News and CompanyDirectory) multiple database templates, optional search integration, and various other features.
Company Directory Module Displays a list of companies for your website. It has support for logos, images, and some support for custom fields.
ListItExtended Module ListItExtended allows you to create lists that you can display throughout your website. You could make a simple FAQ or Testimonials feature with this module. The web developer defines fields to constrain what data the client can enter. A number of field types can be specified - text input, checkbox, text area, select date, upload file, select file, dropdown - and additional instructions can be set for each type, for example, input field size, max length, WYSIWYG editor, possible drop down values, possible file extensions, directory paths for file selections, date formats, etc. Version 1.2 works with CMSMS 1.11! WARNING: IF YOU ARE UPDATING A CLONED VERSION USE ListIt2CloneUpgrade-1.2.tar.gz AND READ INSTALL FILE CAREFULLY!
File Listing Plugin File listing is a tag to automatically display a list of uploaded files or folders on the front end. An icon represents the file extension, and it is possible to sort by file name, size and date. Ideal for newsletters in pdf/doc formats. This plugin expands upon the original file_list plugin by adding more parameters giving greater control over how the information is displayed on the front end. Features the ability to automatically create thumbnails from PDF and video files if Imagick and FFmpeg extensions are present.
LinkMgr Module Flexible admin interface for managing lists of external website links.
LISE Module List It Special Edition (LISE) is a fork of ListItExtended. It is meant to replace that module on both branches of CMSMadeSimple. It has the ability to import ListItExtended instalations as long as these are updated to the latest version. It has some added functionality, and a smaller memory footprint.