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Name Type Description
CMS Made Christmas Module We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
CMS Translation Project Manager Module A simple module to manage the project list for the CMSMS Translation Center
CMS Users Module This module allows you to handle frontend users. You can then have protected content, make them register to newsletters, or make them fill forms with compatible modules.
CMSExcel Module You can use this module to export datas from your module to Excel files. It use the great PHPExcel library for it.
CMSMailer Module A Simple module (maybe include it in the core) that allows module writers the ability to send emails from within their modules. This module has no front end user interface and is designed only to be used with other modules.
CMSMakeFaster Module SPEED UP YOUR WEBSITE ! Minify js and css file Combine js and css file Compress your page with gzip Optimize speed with htaccess ** The Admin page doesn't work actually, but it will in the next release **
CMSMonolog Module CMSMonolog This project embeds Monolog CMS Made Simple. From the Monolog website: Monolog sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services. See the complete list of handlers below. Special handlers allow you to build advanced logging strategies. This library implements the PSR-3 interface that you can type-hint against in your own libraries to keep a maximum of interoperability. You can also use it in your applications to make sure you can always use another compatible logger at a later time. For support, please submit an issue for assistance.
CMSMS For Dreamweaver Module This extension should be use with the CMSMS4DW made for Dreamweaver. With it you can import and edit tag, Template and stylesheet directly in the editor of Dreamweaver and export it when you've done.
CMSMSExt Module A set of addon utilities and conveniences for writing CMS Made simple modules. Primarily this module contains a new class (derived from CMSModule) to act as a base class for modules.
cmsms_forge2_server Module The REST Server for the new forge2 project a gift from Bess.
CMSSimplePie Module SimplePie RSS/feeds Parser (this project will be updated very soon "2011" )
CMSTouch Module <h3>Sorry, this module is discontinued for now.</h3> Cmstouch module is an attempt to support that cmsms can change the templates virtually according to the user agent. I will gradually add all my ideas that I had at the beginning of the design idea.
Code Block Module Allows the entry of reusable code throughout the site. This is a fork of the Snippet global content block.
CodeMangler Module A module to postprocess the rendered (X)HTML-code in different ways. Scrambling the code or perfectly indenting it will be among the possibilities.
CodeMirror syntax editing Module And implementation of the CodeMirror syntaxhighlighting system, which seems more well-maintained than editarea and much more than codepress
Commandes Module Boutique pour association
Company Directory Module Displays a list of companies for your website. It has support for logos, images, and some support for custom fields.
Compositions Module Ce module vous aide à réaliser vos compositions d'équipes , envoie des notofications par emails aux joueurs et gère le brulage
ContactCard Module ContactCard adds your personal contact information, logos and social media accounts into a smarty tag.
Content Aliases Module This module adds the "Content Alias" content type to CMSMS. This lets you use content in multiple areas in your site and/or apply a different template to content.
CookieCuttr Module A simple and dirty module that enables you to configure the CookieCuttr jQuery plugin from a simple admin control panel, whilst at the same time enabling you to include it in the template with only a single smarty tag.
Cotisations Module Gestions des cotisations de vos adhérents
CREA_Simple Module A simple module to retrieve and display realty data from CREA (www.crea.cs) on a CMSMS website. Provides complete smarty template capabilities in summary and detail view.
Cron Module This module allows execution of cron jobs for modules.
CSSKit Module CSSKit is an alternative CSS renderer that reduces the number of HTTP requests related to css links in a rendered HTML page. It also provides minification of CSS to increase delivery speed to browser, as well as having some caching functionality. Phpdoc class documentation is also included.
CSSPreprocessor Module A module that extends the stylesheets system of CMS Made Simple with various CSS Preprocessors. Uses either the standard DesignManager stylesheets, OR the file-based stylesheets from CMS Made Simple 2.3+. Older versions are working with CMSMS 1.12 and 2.1+ series. LESS and SASS preprocessors are provided (PHP and command-line), but you can extend it. Compiles Bootstrap and Foundation. Supports SMARTY inside stylesheets and before compilation, sourcemaps, minifying and AutoPrefixer (in PHP).
Cufon utilities Module Provides easy access to the full range of Cufon-fonts using easy api, smarty and other magic. Will allow adminstration of fonts in the system.
CufonMadeSimple Module A easy way to install Cufon text replacement on your website and manage your fonts and styles. Using the TTF converter at and uploading the resulting JavaScript file in the admin panel, you can change elements of your HTML text to the font of your choice.
Custom Global Settings Module This module extends the Global Settings with your own customized parameters. You can define an unlimited number of fields which can be used as smarty-variable in templates or pages. CMSMS 2.2.x compatible
CustomContent Module The CustomContent module uses the FrontEndUsers module to allow you to present different content to users who match a criteria. Including userid, group, ip address, etc.