List Downloads

Notice: This project is marked as stale. This means that it may work fine, but it has no file releases or repository commits in over a year. Use your own discretion when using this project.

This plugin reads a specified directory and creates a (html-)table of all files of the directory. It creates a table with the filenames (and files-links), the files sizes and the modify time. Optional, the plugin can show a column with a simple download counter. You can specify an exclude filter, you can format the output of the date and you can configure, that a file will be forced as a download. Furthermore, if the file is an image, the plugin creates thumbnails with the possibility to zoom and it reads the iptc-description to display an image description. Also, the plugin can read pdf metadata and shows it as additional information. Last but not least, you can use a simple password protection of a download folder.

Latest Release

List Downloads

List Downloads 1.6
2011-12-20 Release History
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Project Summary

  • Type: Plugin
  • Created: 2009-08-14 (189 months ago)
  • Last Release Date: 2011-12-20 (160 months ago)
  • Last Commit Date: 2013-01-29 (146 months ago)