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Name Type Description
CGml Module A simple module to aide in translation of static-like text for forms, and reports.
CGmlGUI Module A web based editor for managing and editing CGml Translations
CGMyOrders Module A simple module to allow a site visitor to review their past orders on your ecommerce site.
CGPaymentGatewayBase Module A base module (just stubs) for developing other payment gateways.
CGProductBuilder Module This module allows a customer to dynamically select options for a complex product, similar to dynamic car building, or PC building sites. Users select a single option for each of a series of pre-selected option groups for a product. At the end the completed specification can be sent to an administrator, or printed to PDF.
CGQuickPay Module Payment gateway for Calguys Ecommerce suite to interface with the danish quickpay provider.
CGRapLeaf Module A module to interface with API
CGSharedContent Module A simple utility that provides the ability to create WYSIWYG blocks that can be re-used on multiple page templates.
CGSimplePWA Module A module to aide in creating a Progressive Web App from your CMSMS enabled website. Engage your users, and allow them to use your application on their phones in a native-like way.
CGSimpleSmarty Module A module that registers one or more smarty objects that provide some useful, re-useable smarty functions.
CGSmartImage Module A simple image processing tag for smarty.. Supports image filtering, watermarking, cropping, resizing, etc... supports caching of processed images, and embedding generated images directly into the web page (smartly).
CGSmartNav Module A basic module to allow manually building navigations from within smarty templates. This module allows building navigations from within smarty templates, and then utilizes another smarty template to render the navigation. This module allows building navigations directly to module actions, and mixing module actions with content pages. It works with CMSMS 2.2 to mark navigation items as active if they have already been processed... and if the URL matches.
CGSMS Module Like CmsMailer this module will allow CMSMS websites to send SMS messages.
CGSnapshot Module A simple module to generate a snapshot of a CMSMS install including the database. Useful for doing a quick backup before upgrades, or for doing site moves.
CGSocialApp Module This module is a social application framework built on top of CMSMS. It is designed to allow mobile developers to build small to medium scale specialized social applications and websites. it can be used for allowing mobile users to add or edit location information, manage friendships, and create time related information related to a location. This module provides a RESTFUL API to allow sending and receiving social data, and for displaying some of that data on the CMSMS powered website. This module does not have much functionality of its own, it is designed to primarly work in conjunction with a custom developed mobile application (which you are free to create). This module provides a fully documented API (see the PDF file in the docs directory).
CGSocialBlaster Module This module allows other modules to submit posts to facebook, or twitter or other social networks from the admin interface of CMSMS. It is used by CGBlog if available to allow sharing blog posts via twitter and facebook.
CGStaticMaps Module A simple module to generate static map images using googles static map API
CGTiny Module Extendable URL shortening tool for CMSMS Supports, tinyurl, and others.
cgtweet Module CGTweet is a module for reading from, and writing to twitter. It is capable of tweeting messages for any Frontend user, and displaying a simple timeline for a user account.
CGUserDirectory Module A replacement for the overly-simple UserDirectory module and FEU Listing plugin. this module will allow creating directories from the frontend users database, and viewing various summary and detail reports. It will support (in the style of News and CompanyDirectory) multiple database templates, optional search integration, and various other features.
CGWebPush Module A simple module to allow sending web-push notifications via the admin panel from CMSMS to specific FEU groups.
CG_RSS_Reader Module A heavily modified and trimmed down fork of RSSSimplePie by Zdeno Kuzmany this module works only with CMSMS 2.x and takes advantage of the DesignManager and newer versions of CGExtensions.
CG_WP2CGBlog Module A simple module to copy wordpress blog posts, categories, images, and other information into CGBlog and other modules. This module is not a complete import of all wordpress data, and not a one button-press solution. But it will allow copying most of the data into CGBlog and much of the images.
ChartsMadeSimple Module A standalone api-style module to allow other modules to easily hook into the API and get access to nicely formatted charts. Will start off as a seperation of the Chart-part of the Statistics-module, but will (hopefully and in time) include an API versatile enough for all kinds of modules to use it.
Chat Made Simple Module Chat Made Simple will provide a simple, but customizable online chat system, easily integrated into a CMSms-based site.
Classified Ads Module The module is intended to be used for several markets at once (passed as a parameter (see below) but managed from one spot. Module page can simply be iframed into other CMSs or systems or it can stand on its own in a CMSMS installation. All user registrations are built into this module, it won't use the FE users modules. Payment options are still being decided.
Classifieds Module Let Front End Users post classified ads to your site.
CM Ticket Sales Module New products in a hierarchy in the Products module are generated automatically when a new event is created in CGCalendar that has customfields beginning with the name 'Ticket: '. The products can then be used as normal in the CG Ecommerce suite.
CMS Forms Module This module helps developers to manipulate forms more easily. For examples, you can check out the internals of CMS Users or M&C Factory.
CMS Foundation Module This module include Foundation CSS Framework in your template and add a responsive menu. You just have to insert {CMSFoundation} in your head template