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Name Type Description
base64image Plugin This Smarty plugin encodes an image to base64 format. For CMS Made Simple 2.x. It can help you to make the site page faster and pass the PageSpeed Insights test. HTML: <img src="{base64image src="uploads/simplex/images/cmsmadesimple-logo.png"}" width="227" height="59" alt=""/> CSS: background: url([[base64image src="uploads/simplex/images/palm-circle.png"]]) no-repeat;
Bird Feed Plugin This plugin retrieves tweets from a twitter account and displays them on your page. The feed is assigned to a smarty variable called {$tweets} which can then be displayed within any template using a {foreach from=$tweets item=item} loop. The status text is parsed so that all the hash tags, links and user names are automatically converted to working links. Dates are outputted as a unix timestamp which can easily be converted into several formats using the “date_format” string modifier. Optionally dates can also be displayed as “friendly” i.e. one hour ago, two minutes ago, yesterday, etc, etc.
blockquote Plugin Smarty block level tag that correctly formats blockquote and includes cite tag.
Browser Update Plugin Many internet users are still using very old, out-dated browsers – most of them for no actual reason. Switching to an newer browser is better for them and for you as a webdesigner. This plug-in tests the browser version of the end-user. If that browser is outdated, a simple update message is shown. This plug-in uses code from: ; a web designers initiative which supports multiple languages.
BrowserTools Plugin to quickly hand users on a browser case. Ex: output for an iphone user agent would be "iphone" so you could have a body with the class "iphone" etc...