Bird Feed

Notice: This project is marked as stale. This means that it may work fine, but it has no file releases or repository commits in over a year. Use your own discretion when using this project.

This plugin retrieves tweets from a twitter account and displays them on your page. The feed is assigned to a smarty variable called {$tweets} which can then be displayed within any template using a {foreach from=$tweets item=item} loop. The status text is parsed so that all the hash tags, links and user names are automatically converted to working links. Dates are outputted as a unix timestamp which can easily be converted into several formats using the “date_format” string modifier. Optionally dates can also be displayed as “friendly” i.e. one hour ago, two minutes ago, yesterday, etc, etc.

Latest Release


2012-10-29 Release History
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Project Summary

  • Type: Plugin
  • Created: 2012-07-26 (146 months ago)
  • Last Release Date: 2012-10-29 (142 months ago)
  • Last Commit Date: None