

[#6373] Choose which gallery/s to display on each page

Created By: Grant O'Neill (gocreative)
Date Submitted: 2011-04-06 08:04

Assigned To: Jos (josvd)
Resolution: None
State: Open
Choose which gallery/s to display on each page
Detailed Description:
Not sure if this is achievable, but the ability to insert a different gallery
tag into page templates may be beneficial. For example, allowing the user to
choose one or more galleries to display on each page of the site. It could be an
extra tab when editing a page, such as 'Galleries'. Settings might include
naming an element on the page in which to display the galleries, the order, the
template etc. This would simplify many user actions and avoid the need to
copy/paste the {Gallery dir="name"} tag.


Date: 2011-10-04 06:14
Posted By: Mathieu Muths (airelibre) (airelibre)

You can use the gallery_picker TinyMCE plugin ;) It's nice for end-users
Date: 2011-10-04 19:32
Posted By: Grant O'Neill (gocreative)

Yeah but it doesn't offer the full range of settings I'd like to see. For
example, not only selecting a gallery but also choosing which template to use,
number of images, sort order etc. It also inserts the code inline, and I
wouldn't trust most users to leave this code intact. My intention was that the
page template would have a dedicated place that the gallery, if selected, would
be displayed. It would be better for webmasters as well because it would remove
the need to insert gallery code into pages.
Date: 2012-05-10 20:20
Posted By: Grant O'Neill (gocreative)

Re-reading my original description, I felt it best to clarify what I am looking
for here.

1. In the same way that {content} blocks can be added to page templates (e.g.
when using AdvancedContent), create something similar for galleries. For
example, {gallery_content}.

2. When editing any page, the user can choose one or more galleries to be
displayed on that page without any complex coding or UDTs required.

While galleries can already be inserted by using the gallery picker with
TinyMCE, this functionality doesn't exist with any other WYWIWYG editor modules,
and it also means users have too much control over the placement, template and
formatting of the gallery within that page.

Updated: 2012-05-10 20:20
resolution_id: => 5
assigned_to_id: 100 => 11752