My two cents on the news module
Detailed Description:
my apologies in advance if these request have already been discussed to death,
but I really think they'd make a massive improvement to CMSMS as a whole.
1. Improved pretty URL's. I think a more logical way would be something like
this: 'Y' stands for the year,
'm' for the month and 'd' for the day ofcourse.
It's basically the same like Wordpress! Much more logical.
2. Better usage and support of thumbnails in CMSMS as a whole, but especially in
the news module. I just miss a standard option with which you can choose a
thumbnail in the library (in a visual, imagepicking way), so that the
thumbnailed version is displayed in the summary and the enlarged version is used
in the news message itself.
Plus.. where can you modify the settings for thumbnails?