

[#4576] Shipping charges not calculated

Created By: (kurashiki_ben)
Date Submitted: Sat Feb 06 09:05:12 -0500 2010

Assigned To: Robert Campbell (calguy1000)
Version: 1.6.12
CMSMS Version: None
Severity: Major
Resolution: None
State: Open
Shipping charges not calculated
Detailed Description:
Posted in the forum, but:

Destination Based Shipping - shipping not calculated properly
« on: 29 Jan 2010, 19:04 »
	Reply with quote Modify message Remove message
CMS Version 1.6.5
CGExtensions 1.17.6
Orders 1.6.12
DestinationBasedShipping 1.1
FrontEndUsers 1.6.11
SelfRegistration 1.2.5


I am having an issue with DBS and orders.
It seems that there is an issue calculating shipping in some cases including:
- first orders when Address Retrieval Method in Orders is set to "Use the
address from the last order".
- going from the Confirm Order page back to the Payment Form and modifying the
shipping country.

1)- first orders when Address Retrieval Method in Orders is set to "Use the
address from the last order".
In this case, there is no address set up for a first order (as orders is set to
use address from last order and as it is the first order, there isn't one),
So, shipping charge comes out as 0.

2) Going from the Confirm Order page back to the Payment Form and modifying the
shipping country.
In this case, the shipping charge is calculated based on the original country,
not the new one.

It looks like there is no recalculation of the shipping charges based on updates
to the destination address.

To get round this I have had to set up SelfRegistration so customers have to
input their address.
Then set the Address Retrieval Method in Orders is set to "Use customer
Finally, hide the shipping address section in all of the templates (so that the
billing address is always used).

This is a limitation in that the SelfRegistration form becomes a bit messy with
lots of fields. (No easy way to change layout).
I prefer to ask customer for only email address and password.
It also means that customers can not ship to an alternative address without
changing the billing address. (Not a major issue at present).

I wonder if it is related to issues I had with orders and address retrieval
or just limited to DBS.

Can anyone replicate this?

Best regards

You can test it here on a clean install of cms and modules:

1) add fairtarde shoes to basket
2) click on order
3) go to register and use any fake email / password
4) input your details and choose a country (UK, France, Belgium, Japan)
5) go to confirmation page (next)
6) for a first order it will incorrectly show 0
7) if you go back from the confirmation page to the billing page and then
forward again, it will probably show the correct charge.

For a subsequent order from the same customer it will calculate the charge based
on the previous address country even if you change the country on check out for
the second order.

Anybody replicate?  
