Form Builder


[#12730] $entry->type should print standard values instead of localized text

Created By: Stephan (10010110)
Date Submitted: Fri Jun 14 12:25:59 -0400 2024

Assigned To: Fernando Morgado (JoMorg)
Version: 1.2
CMSMS Version: 2.2.21
Severity: Minor
Resolution: None
State: Open
$entry->type should print standard values instead of localized text
Detailed Description:
$entry->type currently prints the localized name of the input type, depending on
the site language setting. For example, if the input type is a checkbox and the
website language is set to German in the global settings, the value is
“Kontrollkästchen”. This causes problems if the language is changed or the
translation strings should be changed for some reason. The value of the
$entry->type property should be a standard string that’s the same in any
language, i. e. if the input type is a checkbox it should print “checkbox”
regardless of the language. Basically, the standard values of the HTML “type”
attribute can/should be used.
