Change News module category create_date to CMS_ADODB_DT instead of T
Detailed Description:
I was looking into the create_date and modified_date fields for the News
summary. I found out no date is stored only the time.
The names of the fields are a bit misleading there is no date part.
It would be nice if this can be put on the feature request list perhaps when the
News module rewrite takes place.
Thank you.
=== code snippets ===
$taboptarray = array('mysql' => 'TYPE=MyISAM');
$sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(CMS_DB_PREFIX."module_news", $flds,
$flds = "
news_category_id I KEY,
news_category_name C(255) NOTNULL,
parent_id I,
hierarchy C(255),
item_order I,
long_name X,
create_date T,
modified_date T
=== /code snippets ===