Form Builder

Jump to Bug #
ID Summary Open Date Severity Version Resolution State Assigned To Submitted By
12656 missing action.admin_add_edit_field.php file in v1.2 xml file 2023-10-19 Minor 1.2 None Open Fernando Morgado Chris Taylor
12673 Unable to submit forms returns XSS Attempt error every time 2023-12-08 Critical 1.2 None Open Nobody Kevin WIlkinson
12729 Restriction info on file inputs can’t be styled individually 2024-06-14 Minor 1.2 None Open Fernando Morgado Stephan
12730 $entry->type should print standard values instead of localized text 2024-06-14 Minor 1.2 None Open Fernando Morgado Stephan
12736 regex validation conflicts with required field 2024-06-28 None 1.2 None Open Nobody Matt Hornsby (DIGI3)