
Notice: This project is marked as stale. This means that it may work fine, but it has no file releases or repository commits in over a year. Use your own discretion when using this project.

This is in the very early phase of development and is not ready for production use. It only works on linux servers (it makes several system calls, for instance to download and unzip the latest version of cmsms, to backup system files, to dump the mysql database etc). It is also littered with TODO messages. I have however used it to upgrade from very old (0.13, dated 2006) installations to the latest version (1.11.7 at the moment - Aug 2013). The module consults an xml file (hosted at for information about releases (version, date etc). It then checks the version of cmsms that is installed and suggests upgrading to the next version (ie not necessarily the latest version). The module backs up the system files (to a zip file) and dumps the database (both to the cmsms installation directory), offers links to allow the administrator to download them, then fetches the next version of cmsms from the cmsms website. It then unzips the system files, overwrites the existing installation and redirects to the normal upgrade page. After the upgrade, the module provides a link to restore to the previous version (by removing the existing installation, reinstalling the system files from the back and replacing the upgraded database with the backup). The upgrade from the very old version threw up various problems, such as renamed tags in templates that had to be dealt with manually.

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2014-01-10 Release History
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Project Summary

  • Type: Module
  • Created: 2013-08-31 (137 months ago)
  • Last Release Date: 2014-01-10 (133 months ago)
  • Last Commit Date: 2014-01-10 (133 months ago)