Glossary / FAQ


[#66] Glossary / FAQ Features: Group by category in Admin, Auto numbering of Terms, etc.

Created By: Jab Brown (jab)
Date Submitted: 2005-11-16 18:05

Assigned To: Samuel Goldstein (sjg)
Resolution: None
State: Open
Glossary / FAQ Features: Group by category in Admin, Auto numbering of Terms, etc.
Detailed Description:
I downloaded and installed the Glossary/FAQ module a couple of days to use it
for FAQs. I liked the help and the module seems well thought out.  Overall, it
servers my needs. However, I do have a few refinements that I think would be
helpful. I have listed them below.

The module doesn't allow grouping of the Terms by category in the Admin panel.
This means that if you wanted to use the module for both FAQs and a Glossary on
the same site, it would be difficult to identify your FAQs from your Glossary

Another challenge is the text entry forms use html instead of a WYSIWYG editor.
This means that if your text has a comma or other character the open/close Java
template doesn't expand to show the definition. This isn't a good thing if I
have to turn this over to a client to manage.

The module is really designed as a Glossay although you can use it for FAQs. Is
it possible to add an option to specify its use as a Glossary or FAQs and to
change the labels accordingly in the Admin panel. In the interim, is there an
easy way to change the labels in the Admin panel from "Term" and "Definition" to
"Question" and "Answer" in the code?

Lastly, an automatic numbering feature for the Terms with an option to select
numbering within a category or for all Tems in the module would be nice. Adding
a separate field or function to manually define a label or ID for the Terms
would be nice too.

I hope I'm not asking too much. Thanks!

