CMS Made Simple Core


[#12532] NicePage ?

Created By: Longdean Web Team (LongdeanWebTeam)
Date Submitted: 2022-03-09 08:37

Assigned To:
Resolution: None
State: Open
NicePage ?
Detailed Description:
We have recently been moved to CMS Made Simple from Joomla.
We user Nice Page ( as an extension to Joomla as it
allowed us far greater flexibility and creativity of how the pages are

Are their any plans to adopt NicePage as an optional extension?

It would save the need for developing code for tables, panels, image handling,
carousels etc.  it also handles the different device layouts well.



Date: 2022-03-09 09:59
Posted By: Matt Hornsby (DIGI3) (DIGI3)

There are a lot of page builders out there, CMSMS has never intended to compete
in that market. Our goal is to provide the power for developers to build fully
custom sites that are simple to maintain by the end user. Although we do intend
to modernize page editing a bit in the next major release, a coding-free page
builder is not on our radar.

That said, there's no reason the community couldn't create such a module, and we
would be happy to entertain any core changes needed to make that possible.
Date: 2022-04-21 05:43
Posted By: tom (tomphantoo)

Reports are: folks sometimes take the results from generators (like Nice Page),
migrate them to CMSMS templates, and assign page(s) to use them.

One issue is: how to refer to / access related goodies like styles, images,
fonts etc ...

Perhaps CMSMS can make that simpler, via some sort of import mechanism.

What form does an export from Nice Page take?

Another issue can often be: relevance of Smarty in all this.
Date: 2022-06-24 08:51
Posted By: Longdean Web Team (LongdeanWebTeam)

I think you are referring to Themes and Templates that NicePage cane be used to

I'm not sure how CMSMS handles those, but again it is a useful tool as NicePage
is a genuine WYSIWYG tool.  We used it to update the themes and style pages on
our old site.

NicePage can also provide page editing directly in Joomla and this allows you to
add blocks, images, video, social media feeds et al.

These are features we have lost now we are on CMSMS.

I just think it would be a powerful addition.

Updated: 2022-04-21 05:43
resolution_id: => 5