Bypassing "You have received an order" FEU emails.
Detailed Description:
it's not really a bug but a request, hopefully I'm posting this in the right
I've set up a site selling digital products that are attached on emails to end
users and need to NOT send "You have received an order" FEU emails.
I'm trying to find where in the scripting, (Products by Vendor ?) to bypass
"You have received an order" FEU emails.
I've tried bypassing the lines below in
Modules/ProductsByVendor/action.shipsuborder.php but the "You have received an
order" FEU email still was sent.
// create a job to do the emailing.
$job = new \ProductsByVendor\Jobs\Customer\notify_shipped(
$suborder->get_id() );
I supply the digital product via email attachment and the vendors definitely do
not want an email every time a product is sold.
NOTE: They log in to the FEU and for a list of what has been sold.
ANY help would be greatly appreciated,