Trouble with breadcrumb in detail page
Detailed Description:
with différent levels of hierarchy, when we are on the detail page of an itel in
the last hierarchy level, the breadcrumb doesn't print the right hierarchy of
the item. it prints the différents first levels.
we have 4 levels: 'level1', 'level2', 'level3', 'level4'
we have 2 sub-levels in each level: 'sublevel1.1', 'sublevel1.2',
'sublevel2.1', 'sublevel2.2'....
we have 2 last-levels in each sub-level: 'lastlevel1.1.1', 'lastlevel1.1.2',
for an item witch is in 'lastlevel1.1.2', the breadcrumb prints:
Breadcrumb: level1 > level2 > level3
instead of:
Breadcrumb: level1 > sublevel1. > lastlevel1.1.2