sendanotheremail link broken Ver 1.1.1 of SelfRegistration
Detailed Description:
New install of SelfRegistration Ver 1.1.1 from XML or .tar files w/FEU V 1.20,
CMS Mailer V 1.73.11
Selfreg allows new users to create and self register if there are no email
problems, but the "Click Here" link to force a resend of email registration code
does not creat the required form to allow the user to re-enter their ID.
Tracked to error in "...modules/SelfRegistration/action.reguser.php"
at line 412:
$this->_UserDisplayLostRegEmailForm( $id, $params, $returnid );
should be:
_UserDisplayLostRegEmailForm( $this, $id, $params, $returnid );
similarly line 415 should be:
_DisplayErrorPage( $this, $id, '', $returnid, $this->Lang('error_invalidmode')