CMSMS Linker function not working
Detailed Description:
It seems to me that the cmsms_linker function isn't working properly, so I can't
use it to insert links to content pages.
Clicking the toolbar button brings up the "Link to content page" dialog
correctly. However, typing in the "Enter Page title" box no longer triggers the
dropdown menu. In the past I have found the dropdown a bit slow to respond, but
now it doesn't work at all.
This is with TinyMCE 3.2b6 and CMSms 2.2.8. I've tried different users,
different TinyMCE profiles and different browsers, but I get the same result.
The only thing I know that's changed recently is that I've added a rule to
.htaccess to rewrite http as https. If that could have caused the problem,
sincere apologies for reporting this as a possible bug. In that case I would
really appreciate advice, though.