Filepicker profile path issue when root_url defined in config
Detailed Description:
When you have a config.php entry defining a root_url, and a default filepicker
profile with an empty path (meaning you want it to be /uploads), images added
via wysiwyg will have broken paths.
To recreate:
Add a config.php entry, e.g .$config['root_url'] = ''
Create a FilePicker profile, leaving the Top Directory empty
Set this profile to default
Clear cache
Edit a content page with WYSIWYG (I tested with MicroTiny)
Add an image
View page on frontend, and/or reopen page in Content Manager
path to image will be something like https://uploads/image.jpg
Expected behaviour:
path to image should be either /uploads/image.jpg or
Define a top level path in FilePicker that is a directory within Uploads
OR, don't define root_url in config.php
Then clear cache and try again