Problem with hardcoded uploads-folder
Detailed Description:
At first many compliments for this new version of the TinyMCE-module!
When you change the name of uploads-folder (e.g. 'media') and set
$config['uploads_url'] / $config['uploads_path'] in the CMSMS-config file, there
is a problem with inserting images or links in the texteditor.
This is caused by hardcoded path to the uploads-folder in at least to files of
the TinyMCE-files:
- modules/TinyMCE/responsive_filemanager/filemanager/config/config.php, lines
#72 and #83
- modules/TinyMCE/lib/class.tinymce_profile.php, line #455
Is it possible to set the dynamically, in line with the config-settings?