

[#8430] Adding ability to use marker name or custom text as the marker symbol

Created By: Jonas Magnusson (Cognatus)
Date Submitted: 2012-09-23 18:37

Assigned To:
Resolution: None
State: Open
Adding ability to use marker name or custom text as the marker symbol
Detailed Description:
It would be very nifty to have a feature for creating text markers instead of
images, deriving either from the marker name or a custom text field.

Furthermore would an ability to set at which zoom level each marker will show to
make it easier to create maps with many markers and still keep the visibility of
the map.

An example of the features mentioned can be seen here:

If you zoom out you can see that the markers are reduced and vice versa. This
example used makeElabel described here:

Incorporating this into the GoogleMaps module would make my day! :o)



Updated: 2012-09-24 00:01
description: It would be very nifty to have a feature for creating text markers instead of images, deriving either from the marker name or a custom text field. Furthermore would an ability to set at which zoom level each label will show to make it easier to create => It would be very nifty to have a feature for creating text markers instead of images, deriving either from the marker name or a custom text field. Furthermore would an ability to set at which zoom level each marker will show to make it easier to create
resolution_id: => 5