

[#6800] Save username upon edit, version control

Created By: Gerrit Duran (gdur)
Date Submitted: 2011-08-21 04:16

Assigned To: Christin Gruber (touchdesign)
Resolution: None
State: Open
Save username upon edit, version control
Detailed Description:
If content has been edited on the frontend the last_modified time is updated as
well. Would be nice if  somewhere is stored which user actually modified the
content connected to the date and time so that this information is on hand and
could be retrieved as well using a smarty tag likewise {modified_date format="%A
%d-%b-%y %T %Z"} by {last_modified_by format="username"}. The latter now
retrieves the user who last edited the content in the backend. This will require
a TouchInlineEdit specific table because in the content table the backend
user_id is stored and is different from the user_id used by FEU. This table then
could also hold the "old" content before editing next to Page_id, FEU_id and
date/Time field to enable simple version control as well. A simple mechanism in
the backend should enable the admin to restore content to a selectable version.
