Chat Made Simple


[#6676] feu groups, permissions/custom content functionality

Created By: cleatus mcfarlan (cleatus)
Date Submitted: 2011-07-18 15:52

Assigned To: Morten Poulsen (silmarillion)
Resolution: None
State: Open
feu groups, permissions/custom content functionality
Detailed Description:
it would be great if chat could integrate with feu user groups/custom content so
that we could add chat related priveledges to existing feu groups. that way if
we set up a paid support package with feu and self registration chat privelde
levels could be established or at least access granted/denied.

in another way chat users of same group could set up sub groups. mod groups,
admin, owner, etc. moderator set up private messaging privledges.

also, moderator notification of new chat post/pm with filters by groups, etc.
and different methods of notification(sms, email, voip? fedex!)

any security related options/enhancements are always welcome.

as much commenting/help file text as possible so we can learn to help out more

thanks for your effort
