Picasa Browser


[#5511] View comments

Created By: Adriaan Kleinhout (Adriaan)
Date Submitted: 2010-10-11 23:00

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Resolution: None
State: Open
View comments
Detailed Description:
It would be nice if there was an option to show the comments that users made to
photos in a Picasa webalbum.

It would even be nicer if it was possible to allow comments to be made to the
photos in addition to the function mentioned above.
I guess it would be necessary to make a small google login-section in order to
support commenting.



Updated: 2010-10-11 23:03
description: It would be nice if there was an option to show the comments that users made to a certain photo in a Picasa album. It would even be nicer if it was possible to allow comments to be made to photo's in addition to the function mentioned above. I guess i => It would be nice if there was an option to show the comments that users made to photos in a Picasa webalbum. It would even be nicer if it was possible to allow comments to be made to the photos in addition to the function mentioned above. I guess it w

Updated: 2010-10-11 23:02
description: It would be nice if there was an option to show the comments that user made to a certain photo in a Picasa album. It would even be nicer if it was possible to allow comments to be made to photo's in addition to the function mentioned above. I guess it => It would be nice if there was an option to show the comments that users made to a certain photo in a Picasa album. It would even be nicer if it was possible to allow comments to be made to photo's in addition to the function mentioned above. I guess i
resolution_id: => 5