Picasa Browser


[#1732] Add ability to display album with album thumb first

Created By: Benjamin ter Kuile (bterkuile)
Date Submitted: 2007-08-31 09:39

Assigned To:
Resolution: None
State: Open
Add ability to display album with album thumb first
Detailed Description:
Now if the album parameter is set, the content of that album is displayed. I
would like to be able to display the album icon first and and then click on it.
Like with the include parameter. This is to be able to include multiple albums
in one page (see previous post.)


Date: 2007-08-31 17:51
Posted By: Rorik Melberg (rmelberg)

To show a small number of albums you can use the include parameter.  To show
only one album set the include parameter to that album name (be sure to remove
spaces and non-alphanumeric characters see the help for this parameter for a
good description).  To show more than one, separate the names of the albums with
a semicolon (;).  I updated the help to be more .... helpful in the 1.0 release,
so upgrade if you have an earlier version.

Becasue this is my first module, I didn't quite get the version numbers right
between the RC 1 and the final release, so you may need to uninstall and
reinstall to upgrade.
