Form Browser


[#1545] Ability to store and browse files uploaded through formbuilder

Created By: Andrew Moore (moorezilla)
Date Submitted: 2007-05-24 08:27

Assigned To:
Resolution: None
State: Open
Ability to store and browse files uploaded through formbuilder
Detailed Description:
FormBrowser is great!

It would be sweet if the current ability to attach and email out files could be
extended to also store these attachments on the server.

Ultimately, it would be nice to have a system coordinated with FormBuilder where
an Admin can browse submissions including any files that have been uploaded. For
example, we allow online job applications at our school, and these applications
often include Word Docs of resumes and cover letters. I'm looking to be able to
allow administrators to view all applications, which now works with FormBrowser,
but I also need to be able to give access to uploaded files, so that
administrators can have access to resumes and cover letters. Currently, it looks
like uploads are only mailed out, rather than being stored on the server.

Since this seems to require coordination with FormBuilder, I have entered a
feature request with FormBuilder as well.
