Detailed Description:
It'd be wonderful if I can add a repeatable Field Definition group that I can
continue to add to the entry. A particular use-case for example is...
I have LISEStore and my field values are:
* Store Name
* Store Description
* Store Logo
If I could add fields below that I can repeat in the entry instead of having to
create a new record for every variation:
* Repeatable Group
** Store City
** Store State
** Store Zip
** Google Map Link
* End Repeatable Group
So when I create/edit a Store, I would have the normal field definitions and
then a + sign to add a row of the specified repeatable group that I can keep
adding as needed.
I can see this also being used for something like Photo Gallery...currently
having to create separate records for each image and grouping together by
category whereas with the above approach, I can just create 1 record for each
gallery and have a repeatable group for additional images.
Would happily sponsor this feature as well.
Thank you, you guys are awesome.