[#11816] LISE Instance Item fielddef: allow selection of INactive items

Created By: Ruud van der Velden (ruudvdvelden)
Date Submitted: 2018-05-13 15:32

Assigned To: Fernando Morgado (JoMorg)
Resolution: Fixed
State: Open
LISE Instance Item fielddef: allow selection of INactive items
Detailed Description:
Currently it's not possible to select an INactive item when using the fielddef
of type 'LISE Instance Item'.

This may make sense however for some use cases it's not convenient:

When a user (might be FEU in the future) is allowed to create concept LISE items
but NOT approve them. And those items are linked using the LISE Instance Item
fielddef it's not possible to finish it.


A user wants to create a new item of a car model (Model X), but it seems the car
brand (Tesla) does not exist yet. The user needs to create the car brand first
(LISEcarbrands) but, as it's a concept (needs approval of another admin) the
Tesla item stays INactive. Next this user will create the Model X
(LISEcarmodels). From within this model it's not yet possible to create the link
to the inactive brand Tesla.

It would be nice if there is an option to allow admins (and perhaps future FEUs)
to select inactive items.


Date: 2018-05-13 15:40
Posted By: Ruud van der Velden (ruudvdvelden)

Another issue that arises when it's NOT allowed to select INactive items is the

Let's take the same example of Model X and Tesla.
Let's say, for some reason the (LISEcarbrands) Tesla is temporarily set
Next some admin opens the Model X (LISEcarmodels) which connects to Tesla. 
The dropdows (if used for the LISE Instance Item fielddef) doesn't have the
INactive Tesla carbrand so defaults to the first active car brand item in the
list. On saving the Model X item, it will be connected to this first car brand.
This would easily going unnoticed and unwanted.

Date: 2020-10-21 15:20
Posted By: Fernando Morgado (JoMorg)

It's partially implemented for LISE 1.5, but won't provide yet any means to
evaluate who is authorized to do what.
That will probably be implemented on a more global scope and likely to touch
every field definition in a granular mode.
As it stands as committed to svn you now can opt for default (default behavior
to prevent breakage with previous versions) , active, inactive and all.
Thank you!

Updated: 2020-10-21 15:20
resolution_id: 6 => 7
assigned_to_id: 100 => 12532

Updated: 2018-08-21 09:19
resolution_id: 5 => 6

Updated: 2018-05-13 15:40
resolution_id: => 5