Maps showing a KML file point zooms to max
Detailed Description:
Hello Morten,
Not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request ?
I recently used function_gmapskml to show a map on a web page. I wanted a
pointer highlighting a specific location, (our club rooms). However, as it was
just a point, the map zooms to max. Not what most users want.
Answer is to set location and zoom, then call KmlLayer() with the
preserveViewport option set to true.
I have a version working to suit my needs ( ) but
my PHP is not up to doing it properly. Would you like to see my attempt ? You
will probably fix my problem or see a more elegent way of achieving what is
My working version strips out all the things I don't need so won't really help
Let me know if you want to see my failed attemp, its almost all done. Sigh !