Dividers not being added correctly
Detailed Description:
This isn't technically a bug but I am hoping to find a solution to my problem.
How can the menu template be modified to include <li class="divider"></li> after
each root-level menu item (including the nodes with children)? I can see that
your menu template been set up to allow pages to be added as separators, which
then adds the divider, but I’d prefer it to happen automatically.
Below is my template at the moment, but any parent <li> doesn’t have the divider
after they’ve been closed with </li>. Any help would really be appreciated.
{assign var='number_of_levels' value=10000}
{if $number_of_levels}
{assign var='number_of_levels' value=$menuparams.number_of_levels}
{if $count > 0}
{foreach from=$nodelist item=node}
{if $node->depth < $node->prevdepth}
{if $node->children_exist == true or $node->parent == true}
<li class="has-dropdown">
<a href="{if $node->url!=''}{$node->url}{else}#{/if}">{$node->menutext}</a>
<ul class="dropdown">
{if $node->type == 'sectionheader'}
<li><a href="#">{$node->menutext}</a></li>
{elseif $node->type == 'separator'}
<li class="divider"></li>
<li><a href="{if
{if $node->depth eq 1 && $node->children_exist == false && $node->parent ==
false}<li class="divider"></li>{/if}