Impossible to add conditions
Detailed Description:
I've set FEU groups and a test user, but it's impossible to "Add conditions" to
When I click on ADD it refreshes the page but nothing happens !
Can you please check ?
Cms Version: [b]1.11.3[/b]
Installed Modules:
CMSMailer: [b]5.2.1[/b]
CMSPrinting: [b]1.0.3[/b]
FileManager: [b]1.4.3[/b]
MenuManager: [b]1.8.5[/b]
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ModuleManager: [b]1.5.5[/b]
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Promotions: [b]1.0.16[/b]
Config Information:
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Php Information:
phpversion: [b]5.3.22[/b]