[#7471] Checksum error when installing on 1.10.3
Updated: 2012-01-17 23:33
description: New installation of CMSMS 1.10.3, on a system running PHP 5.2.6, Server Db Version: 5.0.67. Receiving this checksum message.
Checksum error. This probably indicates a corrupt file, either when it was uploaded to the repository, or a problem in transit => New installation of CMSMS 1.10.3, on a system running PHP 5.2.6, Server Db Version: 5.0.67. Receiving this checksum message when installing via Module Manager.
Checksum error. This probably indicates a corrupt file, either when it was uploaded to the
summary: Checksum error when installing => Checksum error when installing on 1.10.3
resolution_id: => 5