SEO Tools


[#7078] Website fails to load after inserting SEOTools tag

Created By: Oliver Seddon (oliverseddon)
Date Submitted: Wed Nov 02 12:38:53 -0400 2011

Assigned To: Henning Schaefer (hschaefer)
Version: 1.5
CMSMS Version: 1.10
Severity: Major
Resolution: None
State: Open
Website fails to load after inserting SEOTools tag
Detailed Description:
I have just installed a fresh version of 1.10 and SEOTools 1.5.

I went through my usual routine of changing all my SEOTools preferences and
settings, but when I include the {SEOTools} tag in my page it only loads the
<head> tag of my page.

I resolved this by unchecking the following checkboxes in the Page title & Meta
information tab:

• Automatically generate a page description where none is provided
• Generate standard Meta Tags
• Generate Dublin Core Meta Tags
• Generate OpenGraph Meta Tags (e.g. for Facebook Like Button)

I then saved my settings and the website now loads correctly.

Unfortunately when I looked again at the Page title & Meta information tab I saw
the Generate standard Meta Tags checkbox is checked and I am not able to uncheck
that or re-check any of the other options as these all default to being
unchecked when I hit save.

Not sure what the resolution is but I will give it a look and get back to you if
I find anything.



Date: 2011-11-03 05:50
Posted By: Oliver Seddon (oliverseddon)

I also experience problems with the checkboxes in the Sitemap & Crawler settings

I can check the checkboxes initially and save the settings, but if I uncheck
them I cannot check them again and save them.

Seems to work fine on 1.9.4, I can check and uncheck as many times as I like.
Date: 2011-11-23 09:08
Posted By: Oliver Seddon (oliverseddon)

I have noticed that when the save button is hit the unchecked checkboxes are
given a value of NULL in the siteprefs table in the DB and the module does;t
seem to like this.

Updated: 2011-11-02 12:39
summary: Website fails to load => Website fails to load after inserting SEOTools tag
resolution_id: => 5