

[#6656] Error at install and erase all my modules directory

Created By: Square (square)
Date Submitted: Tue Jul 12 16:52:15 -0400 2011

Assigned To: Jeremy Bass (jeremybass)
Version: RC 0.8
CMSMS Version: None
Severity: Critical
Resolution: Invalid
State: Open
Error at install and erase all my modules directory
Detailed Description:
Don't know if it's the module or my config, but this is what happened.

I had an error when trying to install via the module manager. Don't remember the
message. The I click return and try it again. Then, I saw all my modules had
disappered form the admin.

A check at my folders with my ftp softaware and I saw that the modules directory
was gone. It has been instantly deleted.

Will try to check if any log exist to see something.

Here's my config :


Cms Version: [b][/b]

Installed Modules:
CMSMailer: [b]2.0.1[/b]
FileManager: [b]1.1.0[/b]
MenuManager: [b]1.7.6[/b]
ModuleManager: [b]1.4.2[/b]
News: [b]2.11.3[/b]
nuSOAP: [b]1.0.2[/b]
Search: [b]1.6.10[/b]
TinyMCE: [b]2.8.4[/b]
FrontEndUsers: [b]1.12.16[/b]
CustomContent: [b]1.7.3[/b]
Forum: [b]0.9.4[/b]
Captcha: [b]0.4.3[/b]
CGUserDirectory: [b]1.2.4[/b]
FormBuilder: [b]0.7[/b]
TreeManager: [b]0.6.0[/b]
CompanyDirectory: [b]1.8.3[/b]
CGExtensions: [b]1.26.2[/b]
CGSimpleSmarty: [b]1.4.8[/b]
CGFeedback: [b]1.3.5[/b]
CGCalendar: [b]1.7.1[/b]
CGFeedMaker: [b]1.0.14[/b]
Uploads: [b]1.12[/b]
NMS: [b]2.3.2[/b]
CGBlog: [b]1.7.5[/b]
FEmessages: [b]1.1[/b]
MysqlDump: [b]1.2.4[/b]
FEUMailer: [b]0.9.4[/b]
LinkMgr: [b]1.5.1[/b]
Gallery: [b]1.4.4[/b]
CGGoogleMaps: [b]2.1.4[/b]
JQueryTools: [b]1.0.10[/b]
CGSmartImage: [b]1.4[/b]
CGContentUtils: [b]1.2[/b]

Config Information:
php_memory_limit: [b]50000000[/b] 
process_whole_template: [b]false[/b] 
output_compression: [b]false[/b] 
max_upload_size: [b]64000000[/b] 
default_upload_permission: [b]664[/b] 
url_rewriting: [b]mod_rewrite[/b] 
page_extension: [b].html[/b] 
query_var: [b]page[/b] 
image_manipulation_prog: [b]GD[/b] 
auto_alias_content: [b]true[/b] 
locale: [b]fr_FR.utf-8[/b] 
default_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b] 
admin_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b] 
set_names: [b]true[/b] 

Php Information:
phpversion: [b]5.2.17[/b] 
md5_function: [b]On [/b] (Vrai) 
gd_version: [b]2[/b] 
tempnam_function: [b]On [/b] (Vrai) 
magic_quotes_runtime: [b]Off [/b] (Faux) 
E_STRICT: [b]0[/b] 
memory_limit: [b]50000000[/b] 
max_execution_time: [b]120[/b] 
output_buffering: [b]On [/b] 
safe_mode: [b]Off [/b] (Faux) 
file_uploads: [b]On [/b] (Vrai) 
post_max_size: [b]64M[/b] 
upload_max_filesize: [b]64M[/b] 
session_save_path: [b]/tmp[/b] (1777) 
session_use_cookies: [b]On [/b] (Vrai) 
xml_function: [b]On [/b] (Vrai) 

Server Information:
Server Api: [b]cgi[/b] 
Server Db Type: [b]MySQL (mysql)[/b] 
Server Db Version: [b]5.0.90[/b] 


Hope it will help :)


Date: 2011-07-13 21:05
Posted By: Jeremy Bass (jeremybass)

I highly doubt that it was the module as there is only one recursive folder
deletion and it's hard coded to the folders in the upload folder and at that
hardcoded to the SDtemp folder.

Please do provide more info, but for now as I trying to reproduce for a few
hours, I'm marking this as invalid.

Thanks for the report.

Date: 2012-01-02 15:14
Posted By: Philippe Thomas (filto)

Same for me 

I had an error when trying to install via the module manager.

error message. (module not initialize)

and "modules" folder had been deleted with subfolders.
Date: 2012-01-02 19:01
Posted By: Philippe Thomas (filto)

not possible for me to install this module. on cmsms 1-10-2

"Internal error, the module has not been instantiated "

If removed by module manager -> All modules directories were erased. !?

I hope it just appended just for me and this other one person.

Just in case,  save all yours modules directories before try it. Just réinstall
if they disapear and clean cache files.

This problem doesn't seems affect the database.

I will try another one test on a clean install cmsms to see if it will append

sorry for my english.

Updated: 2011-07-13 21:05
resolution_id: => 9