Error at install and erase all my modules directory
Detailed Description:
Don't know if it's the module or my config, but this is what happened.
I had an error when trying to install via the module manager. Don't remember the
message. The I click return and try it again. Then, I saw all my modules had
disappered form the admin.
A check at my folders with my ftp softaware and I saw that the modules directory
was gone. It has been instantly deleted.
Will try to check if any log exist to see something.
Here's my config :
Cms Version: [b][/b]
Installed Modules:
CMSMailer: [b]2.0.1[/b]
FileManager: [b]1.1.0[/b]
MenuManager: [b]1.7.6[/b]
ModuleManager: [b]1.4.2[/b]
News: [b]2.11.3[/b]
nuSOAP: [b]1.0.2[/b]
Search: [b]1.6.10[/b]
TinyMCE: [b]2.8.4[/b]
FrontEndUsers: [b]1.12.16[/b]
CustomContent: [b]1.7.3[/b]
Forum: [b]0.9.4[/b]
Captcha: [b]0.4.3[/b]
CGUserDirectory: [b]1.2.4[/b]
FormBuilder: [b]0.7[/b]
TreeManager: [b]0.6.0[/b]
CompanyDirectory: [b]1.8.3[/b]
CGExtensions: [b]1.26.2[/b]
CGSimpleSmarty: [b]1.4.8[/b]
CGFeedback: [b]1.3.5[/b]
CGCalendar: [b]1.7.1[/b]
CGFeedMaker: [b]1.0.14[/b]
Uploads: [b]1.12[/b]
NMS: [b]2.3.2[/b]
CGBlog: [b]1.7.5[/b]
FEmessages: [b]1.1[/b]
MysqlDump: [b]1.2.4[/b]
FEUMailer: [b]0.9.4[/b]
LinkMgr: [b]1.5.1[/b]
Gallery: [b]1.4.4[/b]
CGGoogleMaps: [b]2.1.4[/b]
JQueryTools: [b]1.0.10[/b]
CGSmartImage: [b]1.4[/b]
CGContentUtils: [b]1.2[/b]
Config Information:
php_memory_limit: [b]50000000[/b]
process_whole_template: [b]false[/b]
output_compression: [b]false[/b]
max_upload_size: [b]64000000[/b]
default_upload_permission: [b]664[/b]
url_rewriting: [b]mod_rewrite[/b]
page_extension: [b].html[/b]
query_var: [b]page[/b]
image_manipulation_prog: [b]GD[/b]
auto_alias_content: [b]true[/b]
locale: [b]fr_FR.utf-8[/b]
default_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
admin_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
set_names: [b]true[/b]
Php Information:
phpversion: [b]5.2.17[/b]
md5_function: [b]On [/b] (Vrai)
gd_version: [b]2[/b]
tempnam_function: [b]On [/b] (Vrai)
magic_quotes_runtime: [b]Off [/b] (Faux)
E_STRICT: [b]0[/b]
memory_limit: [b]50000000[/b]
max_execution_time: [b]120[/b]
output_buffering: [b]On [/b]
safe_mode: [b]Off [/b] (Faux)
file_uploads: [b]On [/b] (Vrai)
post_max_size: [b]64M[/b]
upload_max_filesize: [b]64M[/b]
session_save_path: [b]/tmp[/b] (1777)
session_use_cookies: [b]On [/b] (Vrai)
xml_function: [b]On [/b] (Vrai)
Server Information:
Server Api: [b]cgi[/b]
Server Db Type: [b]MySQL (mysql)[/b]
Server Db Version: [b]5.0.90[/b]
Hope it will help :)