

[#6454] Reorder doesn't work

Created By: Digicreations (lexus)
Date Submitted: Fri May 06 02:33:57 -0400 2011

Assigned To:
Version: None
CMSMS Version: None
Severity: Major
Resolution: None
State: Open
Reorder doesn't work
Detailed Description:
Using v1.3
CMSMS v1.9.4.1

Reorder doesn't work for me. In the admin the reorder arrows doesn't react. The
button reorder bring me to the reorder page, but there are only the names of the
clips. They are not clickable or movable?

Error: Sortable is not defined
Line: 107


Date: 2011-05-11 12:18
Posted By: mw (mwoods)

do you actually get an error "sortable is not defined"?

I just tested with IE8 and FF 3.0 and both work fine.
if you click on the large Reorder button next to "Add Category" it will bring
you to the Reorder page where you can *Drag* the order of things up or down.

or from the main page you can use the small reorder up/down buttons

I will have to confirm this with cmsms as previous version are ok
Date: 2011-05-11 12:49
Posted By: Digicreations (lexus)

I just tested IE8, FF4.01 and Google Chrome 11, but all of them give me only
non-draggable text. Neither the small reorder buttons work...

2 categories,
16 video's

The button reset doesn't do anything visible.

Reorder categories work fine with small reorder buttons.


Cms Version: [b][/b]

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Date: 2011-05-11 12:59
Posted By: Digicreations (lexus)

Oh sorry, no I don't get the error, the Firefox errorconsole gives me this

Updated: 2011-05-06 02:35
description: Using v1.3 CMSMS v1.9.4.1 Reorder doesn't work for me. In the admin the reorder arrows doesn't react. The button reorder bring me to the reorder page, but there are only the names of the clips. They are not clickable or movable? => Using v1.3 CMSMS v1.9.4.1 Reorder doesn't work for me. In the admin the reorder arrows doesn't react. The button reorder bring me to the reorder page, but there are only the names of the clips. They are not clickable or movable? Error: Sortable is
resolution_id: => 5