Detailed Description:
Hi Benoit & Jeremy,
Great idea for a module!
Wanted to test it but couldn't install using the module manager...
I'm running a completely fresh cmsms 1.9 install with the following modules:
(also all freshly installed, not even configured yet)
CGBlog 1.6.3
CGExtensions 1.21
CGFeedMaker 1.0.11
CGSimpleSmarty 1.4.5
CMSMailer 2.0
FileManager 1.0.3
Gallery 1.4.1
MenuManager 1.7
ModuleManager 1.4
News 2.11
NMS 2.3.2
nuSOAP 1.0.2
Printing 1.1.1
Search 1.6.6
TemplateExternalizer 1.2
ThemeManager 1.1.2
TinyMCE 2.8.0
The message I receive is:
Cannot find the required module "CMSMailer" (version 2.0 or later) in the
repository. It is directly required by IPLock version 0.4.1; this could indicate
a problem with the version of this module in the repository. Please contact the
module's author. Aborting.
As CMSMailer is listed as "Installed - Has Dependents - (NMS) - Cannot Remove" I
thought I would let you know about this :)