Detailed Description:
Did some more testing on the newer 0.04 version.
* Update from 0.0.2 to 0.04 went fine
* Documentation is helpful but I don't know the purpose for the url_for and
link_for action. Anyway by calling /index.php?mact=CMSUsers these actions did
not gave any output.
* The actions (signin, signup, signout, profile, profile_edit, password_change)
are working ok.
* signup and password_change does sent a confirmation mail but the verification
do not work, got: a http 404 error (not found)
* After login I checked stuff like: isset($CMSUser), checkGroup, checkPermission
seems to work fine.
Some thoughts:
In the current version permissions are assigned to a group. This is pretty
flexible although maybe you can also make it possible to assign permissions on a
user level.
- Arnoud