Detailed Description:
Line: 116
$queryN = "SELECT * FROM ".cms_db_prefix()."module_news AS a LEFT JOIN
".cms_db_prefix()."module_news_categories AS b ON
a.news_category_id=b.news_category_id WHERE a.news_date>'$currdate' AND
b.news_category_name='$Cat' AND a.status = 'published' ORDER BY a.news_date DESC
LIMIT 1 ";
correct with:
$queryN = "SELECT * FROM ".cms_db_prefix()."module_news AS a LEFT JOIN
".cms_db_prefix()."module_news_categories AS b ON
a.news_category_id=b.news_category_id WHERE a.news_date>'$currdate' AND
b.news_category_name='$Cat' AND a.status = 'published' ORDER BY a.news_date ASC
LIMIT 1 ";
line 120
$queryN = "SELECT * FROM ".cms_db_prefix()."module_news AS a WHERE
a.news_date>'$currdate' AND a.status = 'published' ORDER BY a.news_date DESC
LIMIT 1 ";
correct with:
$queryN = "SELECT * FROM ".cms_db_prefix()."module_news AS a WHERE
a.news_date>'$currdate' AND a.status = 'published' ORDER BY a.news_date ASC
LIMIT 1 ";