Dot is not adding into RSS links
Detailed Description:
The link that the system is creating now looks like this: Newsrss instead of
I found the problem here (CGFeedMaker.module.php, line 273):
if( !empty($defext))
$url = substr($url,0,strlen($url)-strlen($defext));
if( !endswith('.',$url) ) $url .= '.';
this line: f( !endswith('.',$url) ) $url .= '.'; is inside o another if
statement. In the last release, the if statement was after if( !empty($defext))
... block. So i moved it like this:
if( !empty($defext))
$url = substr($url,0,strlen($url)-strlen($defext));
if( !endswith('.',$url) ) $url .= '.';
and now it works.