

[#4943] 0.4.1 - Some things ;o)

Created By: Rolf (rolf1)
Date Submitted: Mon May 17 08:56:38 -0400 2010

Assigned To: Benoit Vermont (redwarp)
Version: 0.4
CMSMS Version: None
Severity: Critical
Resolution: None
State: Open
0.4.1 - Some things ;o)
Detailed Description:
Hey guys,

Tested 0.4.1 just now.

- Doing a false login, the default red CMSMS message isn't shown anymore.
- My own IP address is set as Authorized. Nevertheless I got banned after a few
false login attemps.
- When I got banned there wasn't a message shown to tell me.

Luckely it was a testsite ;o)

I did get the emails thought!

Regards, Rolf


Date: 2010-05-17 09:08
Posted By: Benoit Vermont (redwarp)

- about false login : I know. It's linked to the absence of banned message. But
jeremy bass is working on something about it.
- your IP is authorized, but in what operating mode are you using it ?
I choose a certain behavior : the authorized list is only called upon when the
operating mode is on "deny all". still, I thought that, to prevent IP spoofing,
you could still get your authorization removed if you typed in the wrong login
and password
Do you think it's wrong ? we can discuss it on IRC if you wan't.
- it's was a choice, as well. If someone tries to hack a website, I found it fun
if he didn't know he was banned. might not be completely wise, though.
But, jeremy bath is working on a 'you got banned' page, with an editable
template. and it should also fix point one

Updated: 2010-05-17 09:08
resolution_id: => 5