Form Browser


[#1779] Non-ascii characters block output?

Created By: Ondra Kotecky (kotecky)
Date Submitted: Wed Sep 12 05:29:24 -0400 2007

Assigned To:
Version: None
CMSMS Version: None
Severity: None
Resolution: None
State: Open
Non-ascii characters block output?
Detailed Description:
Congrats for the PacktPub semi-finals!

CMSMS 1.1.2
Fbuilder 0.4.1
FBrowser 0.2
lang: cs_CZ
default form browser templates

The FormBuilder behaves well. The FormBrowser is buggy: in both the full and
detail view in both admin and front-end the fields shown do not correspond to
the fields asked for. The number of the fields shown is lower the the number of
fields asked for.

The field numbers do not cross and are not used more than once (see the

First I thought the non-ascii characters block the output of the columns that
have such a character in its name. In both: the full-view and the detailed-view.
But the "éá" etc. passes. The characters are probably the weird czech ones that
are not in the west-european encoding (see the attached print-screen). Is it

The strange thing is that the front-end and the admin-side form browsers behave
differently even if the same fields are configured.

The second strange thing is that some "weird" characters pass, some don't. So
the reason is not those characters?

The third strange thing is that the first two columns in the front-end full view
appear twice. With the titles the first time, the next time without the titles
so as any other fields.
In the admin-side view in the full list (contrary to the front-end) the first
two columns appear with the titles bu no other column is outputed.


Will be happy to test if it helps.


Date: 2007-09-27 20:08
Posted By: Ondra Kotecky (kotecky)

No, no, no! I'm sorry about this noise, looks like I'm a Exaybachay. Removing
all the weird characters didn't help.

The error comes from the default template:
{section name=namelist start=0 loop=$fieldcount}
changed to
{section name=namelist start=0 loop=40}
works as supposed.

Looks like it has to do something with the iteration process and the fields that
are not displayed.